Alhamdulillah dah nak akhir bulan May dah punn..cepat kan? pejam celik pejam celikk, tup tup, ehh, ami dah abis asasi.. haha.. cepat sangat rasanyaa.. ehh, da 19 tahunpunn? muehehe.. tahun dah twentyth.. tidakkkk!!!!! hahaha.. ta sedia mana lagi.. iman goyah lgi der.. ta sngka dah na tuaa.. hahaah.. btw, its great to finish my tamhidi.. yeahh, sad, happy, excited, curious and everything lhaa ade perasaan nyaa punn.. haihh ==' btw, me and housemate doing something crazy after the final exam.. not done for the next day to come, on the last paper day, we immedietly doing something crazy that never be done before this.. we were going to I City! yeah, that's not crazy right? but we went there without even thinking where we gonna sleep on that day.. ala ala musafir lhaa gitu.. puii.. hahaah.. dah lhaa memasing buad buad bijak kononnya tau beno lhaa jalan na ke sana tuhh.. yg drive nyee ye ami.. so kami, mmprcayai kebolehan apps waze, jd bergurukan bnda alah tu lhaa kitorang go there.. yeah, ade gakk gado tie bce maps.. nmpkk beno lhaa hai ta amik geografi.. fail sume bce maps.. hahaahah.. pendkk kan cite, mmg AWESOME.. just four of us, dah puasa on the last paper, than buka puasa ats jln sbb trsekat ngan jammed.. salah msuk lorong.. msukk tol keluar balikk, marah org jaga tol balikk duit konon salah padahal betull aishh,.. smua cm ta bpe btol.. and the most thing, kena tahan polis kul 3 pagi sbb still merayau tatau tujuan.. mueheheh.. here we are!
See? ni baru 0.01% pic kami.. haha.. berselfie using the Iphone and monopad.. mmg havoc.. rasa I city tuhh ats nama kitorg berlima.. ahahah.. abis exam tuhh lepakk ngan housemate at giant nilai, thinking like giant = alamanda.. haha..
abis exam jugakk feeling feeling mcm retis dukk flash sana flash sini.. mmg dodol =='
so this is my beloved housemate.. D4-5 :) me love youu :*
for sure ramai tertanya tanya kann.. nape ami sorg hijau? hahaah.. cos all my housemate is in the law field whereas me, in the science field.. on that day, they were having law paper.. that is why there are all wearing just black and white.. ami doakan semua berjaya jd lawyer yg adil saksama dan berjaya one day.. amiin :)
be far from the, really really make me miss them so bad.. huh.. i hate to say goodbye.. hope the friendship till jannah.. amin :)
so, sekarang ami di rumah.. di pontian tercinta.. ehee.. da kerja sambilan dah punn.. jd clerk di stu kdai keta.. alhamdulillah setakat ni dpt bos yg baik baikk smuaa.. pheww~ mcm2 aktiviti gakk da jd at pontian nihh.. currently, going to Tanjung Piai.. sounds funny coz it really near with our house, but enjoy! ye lhaa.. mother's day kononnya.. so spent the whole day with moms.. haha..
so this is my queen of heart.. supermom! Adibah binti Sahar@Ismail.. Isn't shee look so young? mmg ami tabik lhaa dgn mak sbb mmg muka dy still nmpak muda wlaupun thun nihh 45 years old.. Iluvyouu mom.. i wish to have you for the whole day of life.. Stay healthy mom! I promise to take care of you and ubah family jd lebihh baikk.. InsyaAllah as long as mak ade ngan kite ehh :)
Mother's Day on 10th May
bukan lhaa sambut gilang gemilang pu.. just na adakan satu hari untk bagi present kat makk.. for those yg tau smbut hari ibu tu ta bape elok, ye, im know about that.. just need a day to appreciate her sungguh sungguh.. ye lhaa.. mak kite ni ta suka terima hadiah kalau bukan ade special event :P
So ni kami di Tanjung Piai.. Penghujung Benua Asia :)
huh.. alot of thing to share about, but, need to go,, daaa.. assalamualikum